Check out my writing samples for the fictional company, RTFM-Industries. They’re meant to be generic, since I don’t own the docs I’ve written at former companies. The intent here is to demonstrate my approach to writing docs with a little bit of flair.

Documentation dashboards overview

  <h1>RTFM-Industries Documentation Dashboards</h1>
    RTFM-Industries Documentation Dashboards provide technical writers with visualized data to track documentation requests. 

Each dashboard tracks the following metrics:
    <li>Requests for new feature documentation</li>
    <li>Request for documentation bug fixes</li>
    <li>Percentage of documentation completed per project</li>
      src=" ../images/best-practice-documentation-dashboards.png "
      alt="image of RTFM-Industries Documentation Dashboards "
    <figcaption>RTFM-Industries Documentation Dashboards</figcaption>
    Within each dashboard, a tech writer can learn more about each data point by clicking on it. Requests are color-coded to signify priority:
      <span class="red-txt">Red</span> = you forgot to write the documentation and everyone knows it
      <span class="yellow-txt">Yellow</span> = you've successfully pushed the deadline back by pretending to be sick
      <span class="green-txt">Green</span> = you've got PLENTY of time to write the docs (as long as nothing goes wrong)
    To adjust these priorities, see the <a href="adjust-doc-priority.htm">Adjusting Documentation Priorities</a> section.
  <h2>Export Documentation Dashboards</h2>
    RTFM-Industries Dashboard tiles can be exported into the following file type: (Excel, PDF, RTF, CSV).
    <div class="note">
      <span class="bold">Note:</span>
      All RTFM-Industries Documentation Dashboards are fully HTML5 and do not require Microsoft Silverlight.
  <h2>Prerequisites &amp; licensing</h2>
    <li>SaaS client</li>
      <a href="request-RTFM-Industries-dashboards.htm">
        Request the RTFM-Industries Documentation Dashboard feature
      User assigned the Tech Writer
      <a href="../sys-admin/roles/tech-writer-power-user">power user role</a>
  <h2>Navigation path</h2>
  <p>Home &gt; Dashboards</p>
  <h2>Next steps</h2>
    <a href="create-doc-dashboard.htm">Create a new Documentation Dashboard</a>

Create a new documentation dashboard

  <h1>Create a new documentation dashboard</h1>
    The creation of a custom Documentation Dashboard helps to visualize the
    effectiveness of published documentation based on topic type (concept, task,
    <li>Dashboard Designer role</li>
    <li><a href="doc-dashboards-setup">Documentation Dashboards setup</a></li>
  <h2>Navigation path</h2>
  <p>Home &gt; Dashboards &gt; Create New</p>
    <li>Click <span class="bold">Add Report</span>.</li>
      From the Report Type dropdown, select a topic type and enable the chekbox
      next to each documentation file you want to evaluate.
    <li>Specify a report code, name, and description.</li>
      <div class="note">
          <span class="bold">Note:</span>Report code must be unique.
      Build the report by dragging and dropping data objects, noting the
      following about Categories, Sorts, Filters, and Layout tabs:
        <span class="bold">Categories:</span> Allows the user to select the data
        categories (RTFM-Industries tables) that should be accessible on the
        report. One or more categories must be selected and will determine the
        fields that are available to select on the other tabs.<br />
        <div class="note">
          <span class="bold">Note:</span> Users will see the tables they're
          permissioned to access.
        <span class="bold">Sorts:</span> Allows the user to select one or more
        data fields used to sort the data. This is optional
        <span class="bold">Filters:</span> Allows the user to select one or more
        data fields used to filter the data. This is optional
        <span class="bold">Layout:</span> Allows the user to select and order
        the data fields that should display on the report
      To subscribe others to this Documentation Dashboard, enter their email
      address in the <span class="bold">Subscriber</span> field.
    <li>Click <span class="bold">Save</span> when finished.
        <span class="bold">Result:</span> the Documentation Dashboard is added
        to the list in the bottom panel.
  <h2>Next steps</h2>
    <a href="reports-promote-global.htm">Promote a Documentation Dashboard to Global</a>

Invoicing setup

  <h1>Invoicing setup</h1>
    RTFM-Industries automates invoice processing, so you can assign and match invoices with ease. Complete the following setup tasks to configure the workflow.
        <a href="../organization/setup-organization.htm">Organization setup</a>
      <p><a href="../organization/setup-new-user.htm">User setup</a></p>
      <p>Administrator permissions</p>
  <h2>Setup tasks</h2>
         <a href="invoicing-permissions.htm">
            Grant invoicing permissions to appropriate users
            or groups</a>
        <a href="invoicing-rule.htm">
          Configure invoicing rules</a>
        <a href="invoice-assignment-rule.htm">
          Configure invoice assignment rules</a>
        <a href="auto-invoice-process-rules.htm">
          Configure automatic invoice processing rules</a>
        (<em>required for No-PO invoice workflow</em>)
        <a href="enable-auto-invoice-matching.htm">
          Enable automatic invoice matching</a>
        <a href="invoicing-general-settings.htm">
          Configure invoicing general settings</a>

Match an invoice

  <h1>Match an invoice</h1>
    Automatically check for discrepancies between billed and received goods by
    matching an invoice. You can perform a <a href="#two-way-match">
    two-way match</a>) with an invoice and a PO or a <a href="three-way-match">
    three-way match</a>if you also have a receipt. Once an invoice is matched, 
    its status updates to "Matched" and a linked invoice is created in 
    <span class="bold">RTFM-Industries &gt; Invoices</span>.
    If discrepancies are found within your
    <a href="auto-invoice-processing-rules.htm#tolerance">configured
    tolerance limits</a>, they are automatically reconciled and the
    difference is inserted as a balancing line item on the PO. If
    discrepancies exceed your configured tolerance limits, you are
    prompted to resolve them manually.
  <h3><span class="bold">Additional processing options</span></h3>
    To request information or record an invoice exception, see the
    <a href="#Addition">Additional processing options</a> section.
      <p><a href="InvoicingSetup.htm">Invoicing setup</a></p>
        <p>Invoice in <span class="bold">To match</span> status</p>
        "Invoice matching" permission
    You can match an invoice in two locations depending on the type
    of match you're doing.
  <h3>Match to a PO (two-way match)</h3>
  <p><span class="bold">Procurement &gt; POs</span></p>

  <h3>Match to a receipt (three-way match)</h3>
  <p><span class="bold">Procurement &gt; Receipts</span></p>

  <h2><a name="two-way-match"></a>Match an invoice to a PO</h2>
    Create an invoice from a PO and check for discrepancies with a
    2-way match. The PO must be in <span class="bold">Sent</span> status.

  <h2><a name="three-way-match"></a>Match an invoice to a receipt</h2>
    Check for discrepancies with a 3-way match between an invoice, PO
    and receipt.

  <h2><a name="Addition"></a>Additional processing options</h2>
    When an invoice is in the <span class="bold">To match</span> status, a user has the
    following processing options that appear above the state machine.
  <h3>Request information</h3>
    To request additional information regarding an invoice, click the
    <span class="bold">Request info</span> button above the status line. The point of contact user is notified by email as a result.
  <h4>Provide instructions to the point of contact</h4>
    You can provide instructions for the point of contact <em>either</em>
    manually on the invoice or automatically through a configured <a href=
    "auto-invoice-processing-rules.htm">automatic invoice processing rule</a>.
    To manually provide instructions, <span class="bold">Edit</span> the invoice, update the
    "Instructions for point of contact" field and <span class="bold">Save</span>. These
    instructions and the assigned point of contact are saved in the
    <span class="bold">Invoicing processing</span> tab.
  <h3>Unassign an invoice</h3>
    To handle an invoice exception found while matching, assign the proper user
    to the invoice in the <span class="bold">Invoice processing</span> tab and click the
    <span class="bold">Unassign</span> button above the status line. The user assigned to the
    invoice is notified by email and the invoice's status updates to "To assign"
    for reprocessing.

  <h2>See also</h2>
  <p><a href="assign-invoice.htm">Assign an invoice</a></p>
  <p><a href="no-po-invoicing.htm">No-PO invoicing</a></p>

Release notes

  <h1>RTFM-Industries v1.1.0 Release Notes</h1>
    The RTFM-Industries v1.1.0 release introduces Automatic Documentation,
    changes to our RTFM-Industries REST API, expanded support for prose linting,
    and general software updates. Key highlights include:
  <ul class="release-highlights">
      <span class="bold"
        ><a href="#automatic">Automatic Documentation</a>:</span
      send a scattered message to a technical writer at the last minute and
      documentation will magically appear
      <span class="bold"
        ><a href="#api">RTFM-Industries REST API updates:</a></span
      new methods and attributes added
      <a href="#Performance"
        ><span class="bold"
          >Tech writer performance improvements: added new indices and removed
          redundant reviews</span
    <a name="automatic"></a>
    Automatic documentation
    The newest feature from RTFM-Industries is automatic documentation! Tech
    writers can write all the docs with the press of a button.
      alt="the secret to never writing documentation again"
      Figure 1. Secret to never writing documentation again
  <!-- Conditional text to handle screenOnly and printOnly outputs - this approach is required when providing URLs in release notes -->
    For more information on this feature, see
      >Getting started with Automatic Documentation</a
      >Automatic Documentation PDF Guide</a
  <h2><a name="api"></a>RTFM-Industries REST API (v2.0.0) updates</h2>
    The following updates have been made to the RTFM-Industries REST API
    (v2.0.0). For full documentation of this API, see
    <a href="https://apiv2.rtfm-industries/docs"
      >RTFM-Industries REST API (v2.0.0) Documentation</a
      <span class="bold"
        >New method added in Documentation controller:
      <span class="bold"
        >New attributes added to the Workflow endpoint for Process</span
  <h2><a name="performance"></a>Tech writer performance improvements</h2>
      Three (3) new indices were added to each tech writer database, resulting
      in a 31% increase in documentation
      Two (2) redundant reviews were removed, leading to increased sprint
      velocity compared to last sprint

  <h2><a name="Software"></a>Software Updates</h2>
    summary="software updates"
    <col style="col-lg" />
        <th>Issue ID</th>
          Tech writing component references the correct assembly information
        <td>PDF document no longer shows duplicate sections</td>
          RTFM-Industries satisfaction survey now accepts scores above 100%