
I’ve done a lot of writing in AsciiDoc for this portfolio, so I though I’d share a peak behind the curtain.

Principles > Docs-as-code

This sample shows a high degree of modularity on the Docs-as-code page. This is admittedly overboard for a portfolio where content reuse opportunities aren’t as necessary as in large documentation sites. It’s mostly to serve as an example for how I approached topic typing for reuse.

I’ve also added brief comments to help when scanning the page. The cognitive load of a short comment is much lower than a messy include:: directive. And, of course, a quick summary is more informative than a filename.

= Docs-as-code
// Preamble

image:docs-as-code.jpeg[decorative image of Docs as Code process]

== Git

Whether working alone or on a team, proper version control is a must.

=== Feature branch workflow
// Various branching workflows with diagrams

=== Feature branch naming conventions
// Preferred naming conventions

// Git branch names example

=== Pull requests
Before merging, I like to xref:#_testability[test] and xref:#_peer_review[peer review]
my docs as part of a Pull Request. If possible, I'll deploy a [branch]`feature` or
[branch]`dev` branch to a staging environment and share with internal shareholders before
the release.

== Content reuse
// Content reuse rationale

=== Examples depending on software
// Content reuse examples - TODO: break this down by software with example$

== Topic typing
// Topic typing rationale

// Topic typing example

// Note: not everything must be modular

== Reviews
// Reviews rationale

=== SME review
// SME review rationale

=== Peer review
// Peer review rationale

=== Feature review
// Feature review rationale

== Testability
// Testing rationale

=== Linters
// Testing with linters

// Personal Vale config link

=== Acceptance criteria
// Testing against acceptance criteria

// Acceptance criteria examples
Here's a couple of examples to show what I mean:


=== Reviews
// Testing through reviews

Principles > Agile methodology

= Agile methodology

I'm an Agile advocate with six years of experience running Scrum and Kanban

My preference between these approaches depends on the context. If I'm assigned
to a specific dev team also running Scrum, I think Sprints for tech writing are
effective. I'll try to follow one sprint behind development and stay aligned
with changes by attending their stand-up and planning meetings. If I'm
stretched across several teams, I typically prefer Kanban. Juggling
simultaneous sprints is overwhelming at a certain point. In this case, it's
better to simplify the board and let release deadlines determine priorities.
Proper scoping of tickets with
xref:/principles/docs-as-code.adoc#_testability[testable acceptance criteria]
turns that intimidating mountain into small, manageable rocks.

Above all, I believe in team-created definitions and processes with tight
feedback loops.

.Who doesn't like moving tickets from left to right across the board?!
image::agile-board.png[a decorative image showing a people moving tickets
across a Kanban board,350,auto]

== Agile ceremonies

I've participated in and led the typical agile ceremonies:

* Daily stand-up meetings
* Backlog Refinement meetings
* Sprint Planning meetings
* Retrospective meetings

If I had to choose only one, I'd pick the daily stand-ups. These quick
check-ins are great for divvying up work, adjusting priorities, and clarifying

== Definition of done

Establishing a definition of done is helpful to limit scope creep in tickets.
Docs can always improve, but this doesn't mean they're updated in one fell
swoop. Creating a series of narrowly scoped tickets helps decouple efforts and
makes collaboration easier.

I'm a fan of the link:[Circles and
Soup activity^] to help writers agree on a definition of done. This game maps
out what tech writers can control and influence as well as what is out of their
control. Knowing the difference between these categories leads to more
predictable resolution times for tickets.

As strange as it sounds, it's sometimes hard to know when you're done.
Well-written acceptance criteria make this easier.


== Document early and often

I'd rather involve docs earlier in the software development life cycle (SDLC)
than later. The "document late" approach is generally dated, though there is
such thing as documenting too early. Once a project has stable business rules,
it's time to start documenting foundational concepts and high-level processes.
Then, as development irons out the nitty-gritty details, adjusting course and
reviewing changes is a more straight forward process.

== Tight feedback loops

What I appreciate most about Agile is how it encourages efficient
communication. 15-minute daily stand-ups and quick touch-points with SMEs
provide consistent opportunities to share meaningful updates. Other meetings,
like team retrospectives, celebrate wins and set goals for how to improve
existing processes. Developing a cadence for feedback is largely what makes
Agile such a successful approach and mindset.

Tools > Git

= Git

image:icons/git.png[the Git logo,50,50]

When you're documenting three features simultaneously, releasing a weekly
service pack for bug fixes on [branch]`main`, and requesting reviews from SMEs
and other tech writers, you need serious control over versioning. Git provides
this and more. It's an indispensable tool for keeping docs properly versioned
and organized.

On this page, I'll mention my favorite aspects of Git and list a few common
uses. For an overview of how I use Git in my typical workflow, see
xref:/principles/docs-as-code.adoc[Docs as code].

In general, I prefer to use Git from the command line, but GitHub Desktop is a
helpful GUI for reviewing complex xref:#_diffs[diffs] and creating/reviewing
Pull Requests. It's all Git under the hood!

== Commits

A wise developer once told me, "commit early and often." Committing often is
great advice because it leaves a clear breadcrumb trail of your work. Each
commit has its own SHA hash for Git to track the version with, as well as a
more user-friendly commit message to describe what changed.

`$ git commit -m "JIRA-123 updated pricing structure for international

A descriptive commit message is helpful in case you need to
xref:#_reversion[revert] a change or create a branch or tag at a specific

TIP: Try to keep commits smaller and well scoped. They're easier to manage when
in modular, bite-sized chunks.

Another one of Git's strengths is the redundancy it offers through the
local/remote repository structure. Not only does this give you a local sandbox
to commit your work, but it also creates constant remote back-ups with each
[command]`git push`. This is helpful, since you never know when the Blue screen
of death may come.

Commit early and often to save your work in the remote repo!

.The last thing you want to see before committing the entire day's work for the
first.  image::blue-screen.png[The dreaded blue error screen from

== Branching

Branching with Git lets you compartmentalize work in separate locations. This
is helpful whether working alone on different features or alongside other tech
writers. Of course, working on feature branches frees up your [branch]`main`
branch for releases whenever possible. Branches shouldn't linger around for too
long, either. I prefer a feature branch to not last more than a couple of
months, ideally. I'll periodically merge the latest from [branch]`main` branch
into my feature branches to keep them up-to-date. This reduces the likelihood
of merge conflicts later on.

Branching like this requires proper organization. I prefer that branch names
and workflows reflect the project's ticket structure. For example, if an
Epic-level ticket contains 10 child User Story tickets, I'll first create a
feature branch off [branch]`main` for that Epic. Then, for each child ticket,
I'll create a dedicated branch off the Epic's feature branch and merged
completed worked back into it. If more than one writer needs to work the same
child ticket, appending the author's initials at the end of the branch name
clears things up (for example, `DOC-123-PJ`).

TIP: Smart commits in Jira make it easy to see which branch a ticket's commits
belong to.

Branching also makes automated releases of docs possible. Commits merged to
[branch]`main` could kick off deployments to production, while commits merged
to [branch]`dev` could deploy to a staging environment, for example.

== Diffs

With all this versioning, you'll need to view the differences between them to
keep it all straight. Accounting for this `diff` is a fundamental concept of
Git and it's helpful throughout the life of a ticket. You might run
[command]`git diff` before committing changes to see what you've changed. Or
you might review the differences between a base and target branch on a Pull

== Reversion

Oops! Did you make that commit on the wrong branch? Or completely break the
test site with no clue of what you did?

_None of this has ever happened to me, I promise..._

Git makes it easy to pretend those mistakes never happened.

Use [command]`git revert COMMIT-HASH` to "soft" delete a commit using its hash
ID. This method keeps the history in your [command]`git log` and can be undone,
if needed.

Use [command]`git reset --hard HASH` to "hard" delete a commit and erase its
history. This cannot be undone, so be careful.

== Tags and releases

Once you reach a milestone, Git tags and releases offer a convenient way to
mark a commit for easy reference. Rather than page through thousands of commit
looking for last quarter's release, make a tag or release showcasing the
shipped docs. You can handle versions, branches, or revisions of already
released content with ease using tags and releases.

[command]`git tag -a v1.0.1 -m "hotfix for SVE-1234" && git push origin v1.0.1`